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Mike Bongorno

Senior Software Engineer

Mike Bongorno Photo

Movie Junkie

I LOVE movies! Anything to do with watching them and getting to know the actors / actresses / directors / composers is one of my favorite pastimes. I really enjoy learning more and getting lost in them. It is not the ideal method of purchasing and watching movies anymore, but I do have a collection of over 400 DVDs and Blu-Rays. The decor of my office and living room (my theater) is movie-themed with quotes, posters, etc.

Meet Mike

Mike graduated in 2008 from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Information Sciences. During his time as an undergraduate, Michael honed his skills developing a game and a variety of demonstrative software applications. Michael has over eleven years of experience developing web application solutions and crafting core provisioning systems for employers in the cable and internet provider, manufacturing and meeting planning industries.

Fun Facts

Would you rather vacation on the beach or in the mountains?

Tough choice. I love both, but I think the most relaxing and enjoyable vacation for me would be on a secluded, private beach with nothing but my wife Jocelyn, daughter Lucy and the ocean breeze. Something about the waves is so serene and calming, and I can get lost there.

What is your "favorite ice cream flavor?

Mint Chocolate Chip, or if I'm feeling chocolatey, Mint chocolate chunk. Always enjoyed the mint flavor, and can't go wrong with some chocolate chunks.

What was your first car?

2000 Camaro Monterey maroon limited edition paint.

What what your favorite vacation?

My first trip to Napa Valley with my wife Jocelyn. If you are on the fence about wine or don't have much experience with it, it can be a bit daunting at first, but it totally immersed me into the wine culture. It was so interesting to learn about the history and process of making wines. I really enjoyed hearing the expert craftspeople explain their craft.

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