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Jherica Rhodes

Project Manager

Jherica Rhodes

Meet the Griswolds!

I absolutely adore my family! Any chance we have to get together, you can bet it is going to be a good time. Someone is going to get lost, fall in front of crowds of folks or get just outright embarrassed…like the time my mom got lost at an airport and ended up with her car next to a plane on a runway. Or maybe the time my grandpa stood in line behind a mannequin because he thought it was a real person. It’s always a good time!

Meet Jherica

Jherica is an energetic event aficionado with a zest for all things meetings and events! From conquering the meetings and events scene with Meeting Professionals International (MPI) to The Dallas Morning News and AMN Healthcare, Jherica loves serving her team and clients in order to create unforgettable and transformational experiences. Jherica ignites her events experience with an array of skills and certifications spanning inclusive event design, event marketing and emotional intelligence leadership. Jherica is a Texas Tech Graduate who studied Exercise and Sport Science, ultimately accepting a college coaching position at the University of the Southwest in cross country, track and strength and conditioning. There she led the women's cross country team to their first-ever conference championship in school history! In addition to a variety of awards and dense professional experience, Jherica is a Certified Scrum Master.

Fun Facts

If you could be on a reality show, what would it be?

Oh hands-down, I would be on Nickelodeon Guts! It’s always been a dream of mine to be on a competitive sports TV show, and this was the show that inspired me to build obstacle courses in my backyard as a kid.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Oreo! Although…I won’t actually eat the cookies by themselves. *shrug*

What is your favorite movie?

Whew. This is tough. But I have to go with Home Alone and Home Alone 2. As an added bonus, I LOVE Spice Girls—I was always Sporty Spice.

When you were 16, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An actress! I was the star in my 6th grade play. Some say you can still hear the crowd cheering!

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